At 0355, 07/06/06, my first son Gavin was born after only 2 hours of labor. 8lbs 13 oz and a full head of hair! I don't think words can express how I feel right now...
Pictures to follow by the end of the weekend.
Last edited by Redcap on Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
2 hours of labor?? my better half says "NO FAIR!"
Although I don't know why she's complaining, our first was only 5 hours of labor. :hmmm:
CONGRATULATIONS on the newest one.
You all should get to a MNG someday so we can see the little one.
In life many men take the path of righteousness, some take the path many others follow (G.M. owners, for example), some take a more arduous path, some a simpler path. I, sir, took the PSYCO-PATH!!
Congrats man. After two lil ones I sorta know how ya feel right now. Its a great thing.
Enjoy the heck out of him. They grow up SO fast. Seems like yesterday I was announcing my newest on here and now she is 9 months old. Where does time go???
Congrats to you and your wife Aaron!! COOL! Definitely post some pics when you can. Hope you got caught up on your sleep, 'cause you ain't gettin' any for a long time.
____| \__
-O-----O- Keith
'67 F-100 2WD SWB ~ '69 F-100 4WD SWB w/7" chop ~ 1975 F-250 Ranger XLT Supercab Camper Special My '67 restoration video -> Posting and you!<-a MUST watch for all!!
you know, now your better half can't use the old 'do you know how long I was in labor with you' line on him when he gets under her skin? really puts her at a dis-advantage, (this according to mrs72hiboy4x4)
OH and congrats on having a boy! it seemed like everyone on here (including us) were having girls!
In life many men take the path of righteousness, some take the path many others follow (G.M. owners, for example), some take a more arduous path, some a simpler path. I, sir, took the PSYCO-PATH!!