I was up till about 2:30 this morning doing some more major work to the forums and Photo Gallery. I believe we've figured out the cause and have fixed it.
It turns out that when I was building the site, my web hosts allowed one free database, which was of course used by this forum setup. Then when I later installed the Photo Galleries, which also needed a database, instead of paying for an additional database, I incorporated the Galleries into the forum's database. With a small number of users on each, it was never a problem, but as the membership on both increased, it started causing problems. You see, whenever someone visited the site, the entire database was loaded up into the server's memory. So even if they weren't also visiting the Galleries, all it's information was also loaded up, which obviously was unnecessary.
Therefore...it was time to separate the Galleries from the forums' database and get it it's own. After my last SNAFU where I had to pay the host $75 to restore a corrupted database, I was a little skittish about messing around with it any more, but bit the bullet and was able to get it done last night...(errrr....this morning, that is). So now the forums and the Galleries are each on their very own database. This should actually make both of them much faster and will cause less of a strain on the server. I also did a major version update of the Gallery software. I also did some pruning last night of more than 16,000 old/outdated forum posts which should help speed things up a bit.
My hosts will be watching the server stats for a day or two to verify that the server load has returned to normal for this account. Once that's been verified at server end, our account will get replaced back onto it's regular production server and all these damned error messages will be just an unpleasant memory. Then I can get started replacing all the cool forum mods.
Stand by....we're almost there!