Is it worth it?

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Is it worth it?

Post by crozetiga »

Hi I am new to the forum and I recently purchased a 1970 Ford F100.
I am currently having problems with the electrical system mainly the turn signals, flashers, and brake lights. I have read the various threads on the turn signals in this forum but I am reasonably sure that I would have difficulties trying to fix this myself. Ifirst of all dont have the time and I also problem dont have the skills to do it.

My question is how bad would the damage be if I sent it into a shop and have them fix the problems. I know that i will need a new turn signal switch because i took off the steering wheel and saw that the cam was ok but the actual switch was broken in half. I also have noticed that you cant buy the switch at a normal parts store. Would that be a problem if I were to send it in? The column also looks like it is not original to the truck I was a 3 speed column shift but now it is on the floor and the column is a different shade that the rest of the interior. Will that also cause a problem?

Just a ballpark figure would be sufficient Is it in the 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 and up range for a mechanical to track down the problem and fix it.

Thanks for any help in advance fpr any input
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re: Is it worth it?

Post by crozetiga »

pardon the typos..... it is quite late
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re: Is it worth it?

Post by DuckRyder »

If I were you I would replace the turn signal switch before I sent it anywhere.

All of the rear lights run through the TSiganl switch, and if you know its is bad that will probably fix all of it!

Electrical problems of this nature are frequently charged on a clock hour basis, the tech will clock in and out on it and you pay for actual time. It can get expensive quick.
1972 F100 Ranger XLT (445/C6/9” 3.50 Truetrac)

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re: Is it worth it?

Post by bluef250 »

The switch is less than $50 from a parts house. Talk with your favorite mechanic and ask what he'd charge to replace it. Then you would have a good idea on the cost. Unknown work can be daunting. Always seems to be something unexpected happens - challenges to be overcome. Let us know how you solve the problem. Good luck.
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re: Is it worth it?

Post by jor »

I'm with the Duck; if you can take off that steering wheel yourself, you can replace the turn signal switch. That just may fix all of your problems. As far as taking the truck to a professional mechanic, it is really a crap shoot in that electrical problems, as you suspect, can be very difficult to identify. I say replace the switch, see what happens and then post again. BTW, if you're already out of time at age 25 think what it will be like in a few years. Take it easy and enjoy screwing around with your truck.
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re: Is it worth it?

Post by crozetiga »

Thanks for the info, Does anyone know where I can get the turn signal switch for the best price. I looked at Dennis Carpenter and they want $60 for it. That seems a bit to steep. Any places where I could get it cheeper than that? Thanks.

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re: Is it worth it?

Post by oldschool »

Ifirst of all dont have the time and I also problem dont have the skills to do it.
Save your money and fix it your self. If you can read, you can fix it.... :D
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