Don't really know much either, certainly not enough. One of the neat things about these trucks is that the electrical system is relatively simple. Without rewiring, you could also use the accy. spaces to turn on relays if you wanted to the run some loads (windows, stereo, etc.) when the ignition switch was on accy (in accy or run position). Regardless, you probably want to run additional power into the cab. Since the locks and alarms need to be on all the time, you could run a new fused circuit off the starter relay circuit into the cab or connect to an existing hot circuit under the dash with a relay. I think the manufacturers and/or vendors have wiring diagrams for these items. You may want the alarm off when you are running the truck. Some use relays (SPDT) to control power to the circuits especially the alarm system. You are dealing with control and with power circuits. Lots of information on the web concerning how alarm could be wired and triggered. The amp, depending upon how much power, needs special consideration. If you want it on only when the accy. circuit is on, run a relay to control power off one the accy. spaces. If the amp is extremely large, with lots of power, you might want a dedicated circuit with a capacitor in line to handle the peaks. Pull power as closed to the battery or alternator as possible. The capacitor acts like a power reservoir to get over the peaks. Discuss the system with a good sound shop. A larger alternator may also be needed. To avoid the dead battery blues, you might want to consider a 2nd battery for running the stereo. The second battery is connected to the electrical system only when the engine is running. That way it recharges and you still have the 1st battery for starting and running the truck. Not all this needs to done at one time, but you may want to plan the improvements incrementally.

Lots of options and definitely to much rambling.