Well, Mary and I got started about 9:30 Saturday night getting the shirts packaged up and were at it until 4AM Sunday morning, but we got everything done and ready to go to the post office. I left early from work today to get them there before 5 (since that's our only daily pickup)...but we discovered a major screwup.
When I ordered the envelopes that these are getting mailed in, I got them directly from the USPS site and they were shipped directly to my house. However, I accidently ordered the Express Mail envelopes instead of the Priority Mail versions....and whereas the Priority Mail envelopes will cost $4-$5 each to send, the Express Mail pieces would cost me roughly $13-$15 each! OUCH! Fortunately, the post office here had just received a case of the correct ones, so Mary and I will just have to repackage everything. We'll just insert the old envelopes into the new ones, to speed things up....which will also have the added benefit of everything essentially being 'double-bagged' for protection against damage during shipment. So when you all get your shirts, you'll have to open one envelope, pull the second one out and then open THAT one too.
Also, we discovered a couple errors in a few shirts, so those will be going back to be replaced. This will affect the orders for three people, and I'll be PM'ing you to let you know who you are. Sorry about that....but at least this one wasn't my fault!
There will be about a dozen orders that will be going out on tomorrow's mail truck, these orders were a few that were specifically requested to be expedited...and Mary will get those done and to the post office while I'm at work tomorrow. Tomorrow night she and I will sit down and repackage all the others, so they should be going out on Wednesday.
So anyway, by this time next week everyone who ordered a shirt will have them.

About that time, I will edit the
T-shirt Info page and will begin selling the extras there. I ordered 50 extra shirts, and I think 45 of them are either Large or Extra-Large, since that was the bulk of the main order anyway. I will also begin listing one a week on E-bay.
can say that this whole adventure wasn't as bad as I thought it would be....for the most part things went fairly smoothly. So I'd say the possibility of us doing this again in the future (with a different design) is very good.