Just recieved my arm rest from dennis carpeter, could you believe they came with no interior screws. anybody know what size they are as i guess ill have to visit the hardware store.. my glovebox came with screws!! whats this world coming too!!! i dont see anylisting for these in my catalog..
I bit the bullet and ordered screws from LMC, I had the arm rests but no screws, they are a bit specialized IIRC. I can't find them off hand but from what I remember they are rather long and a really coarse thread. I know they were not what I expected it would take.
By the way, the screws that came with the arm rests from LMC were too long. They interfered with the windows, wouldn't roll up all the way. Home Depot carries the same size- kind only shorter.
Go to a pull a part yard if you have one in your area and just remove the arm rests and screws from one of the trucks. I bought a set of white arm rests off of a 71 F100 for about $5 and painted them black with vinyl paint.
The worst part is my door panels are painted blue they is metal like yours bluecloud, but maybe it will be a nice contrast!!! if any of you guys have 6 extra screws for my armrest let meknow ill buy them from ya plus shipping!! i called all the junk yards in my area none even have a bumpside in thier yards!! it looks like they came with washers or a very large head screw from the looks of the hole in my armrests i bought..the truck came with no armrests at all.. my father in law called me he found the orig spare for truck in his garage!! he asked me do i want it i said are you kidding!! so that will be my xmas present ... thanx guys for help. brett
Banjo wrote:sure hope yours are better quality than the crappy ones I got from LMC. I was most disappointed. Banjo.
Yeah, I don't recommend the LMC armrests. Mine weren't made deep enough and interfered with the interior door handles. I couldn't get the door open from inside the truck. Had to make some plywood spacers that'll do for now...
The drivers side arm rest I got from Carpenter's last all of six months before it had a tear in it. They wouldn't help me out at all with it.
The chrome on the outside door handles and side of hood emblems faded badly after about 8 months. Same thing' No help. I was really disappointed as I spent around $3k there.
Get NOS or good junk yard parts whenever possible.