well i went to the junk yard today and didnt get much. just a door jamb switch/plug. but then when we were paying for it, i spotted this sitting on the counter under a few others. I am so mad that i didnt grab it. i didnt get it because i wasnt sure that it was for my truck. but it did have the same colored wires coming out of it. my dad said that if someone confirms that it is for my truck we can go back tomorrow morning and grab it.
so, what year is this radio for?
i have a 71 f250 custom.
if it isnt for my year and it is 1 or 2 years off, will it fit?
if it fits and its not there tomorrow im going to be mad
Yes, that is the bezel.
To remove the radio, the knobs must be pulled off, then the nuts on the shafts must be removed. Then the bezel has to be removed, so the radio can be disconnected from the dash. Whoever removed it put the bezel back on upside down when he reassembled it for sale.
"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."
Red Green
it will fit the bezel can be turned back over to go back on correctly. they will fit on the radio anyway you want it to fit. right side up or upside down. but in order to put it back into a truck it will have to be turned over when you put it back in the truck.
That is what I got for my truck, supposedly came out of a 75 or 76. $15 without a bezel. I thought it was broke when I finally got it powered up. I could not figure out the presets, but finally got it. Now I have quality AM talk radio. No music on AM here. I had to get the knobs from a 72 van.
dbarker wrote:for reference to set the presets tune to the station you want. pull out on the preset button you want to set, then push it all the way in.
at least thats the way I remember it, havnt messed with the old radio in years.
I pulled out the preset, tuned the station and then pushed the button in. Could work both ways.
i went back and picked it up for 15.00
i also grabbed a complete heater/ac unit for 40.00
what a greeat day!
here is a pic of the radio cleaned up and i flipped the bezel around also. im not going to put it in until i get the heater/ac hooked up because i could use the radio space to screw with wiring.
Cool. When when I was a kid in Des Moines there was an oldies station that broadcast on AM and FM. When I went home last summer I heard that they got rid of the AM. I hope you got a good AM station where you are. And when I get to Florida I hope there is one also.
yeah there is a am station nearby but im also getting a nice stereo installed in the glovebox so im never giong to use the one i just got. its mainly just to look nice and fill the whole in my dash. nice if it works though.
I just pulled a radio exactly like the one you bought out
of a 1972 Explorer. I got the mounting brackets and speaker
but the speaker doesn't work I don't think. There is a little
bulb right in the middle on top. I think mine is burned out.