I have a 1972 F100 360. I have been trying to get this truck started in my spare time, it seems forever. I replaced the starter solenoid, starter motor, alternator, regulator, coil, distributor cap, use Petronix ignition to replace the points and checked the wiring for cracks and used a meter. The engine just turns over but does not start. I checked under the distributor for firing marks, they are there. I used a spark tester to see if the plugs are receiving charge, there is no fire going to the plugs. I am thinking that the wires are not located right on the distributor or I need to replace the distributor. I know the firing order is 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8.
If the wires are not correctly located on the distributor, does anyone have a diagram or illustrated pic the could email me so I can get this baby started? Can anybody out there help me