Hi Fordnatic and Seatle67, thanks for replying!
seattle67 wrote:robroy wrote:My favorite looking gauges are the ISSPROs, but when I found out that they were made in India, I just couldn't do it.
I know what you mean. I ordered a "Moon" tach and when it showed up it had a "made in China" sticker on it. Is nothing sacred anymore? Dean Moon would flip in his grave.
Fordnatic wrote:For the longest time electric gauges couldn't be made in full sweep. It's a relatively new thing for elec gauges. The mechanical gauges were always full sweep I think. It seems some prefer the full sweep or they would not have bothered to invent the full sweep electrical!
I've made this observation also in my journey for gauges. It seems that the full sweep electric gauges typically have expensive stepper motor drives.
Fordnatic wrote:One thing some do not like about mechanical gauges is that you have to run the fluids into the cab (oil psi or fuel psi for ex.) and the temp probe is stiffer and more difficult to route than a wire. It's just me but I have always felt mechanicals were more accurate.
Yeah you could be right about the accuracy!
I went with short sweep gauges in the end. That's just because I couldn't find any other USA made gauge that had looks that I really liked! I bought these Teleflex Premier Whites from Haneline for $455; they're made in Florida.
Thanks again for the super excellent replies!