Non-sticky trans. hump seal DONE!

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Non-sticky trans. hump seal DONE!

Post by patrickdotryan »


A while back I asked about transmission hump sealant and got great advice, although because the truck is new to me and I don't know the condition of the trans. I figured I might have to access that panel sometime in the near future. So I followed the advice of 70_F100 who got it from a Chevy dealer (blasphemy). I used weatherstrip instead of the sticky goo (which most refer to as dum-dum tape). To pay it forward I took photos of what I did for anyone interested.

I used CarQuest Camper Top Weatherstrip (CPB14994). It is about 2" wide. They also have a 3/4" wide strip, but that wasn't wide enough, so I took the 2" wide stuff and carefully split it up the middle with a razor. On the underside of my cleaned hump cover (that took a long time!) I ran the weatherstrip around, cutting darts into the corners so it would bend sideways but remain flat. I made sure that the cut edge of the material faced the interior of the cab and so did the dart cuts, to keep water from penetrating the cab or the cells of the heavy foam. It's adhesive, so I just pressed it on. Once on, I heated a large nail (use pliers to hold it!) and melted the bolt holes through from the top, undersized so the bolt-to-hole seal is still tight. Then I just bolted it down. It's very nice, still looks stock and makes the trans. cover removable without the sticky mess. Heat resistance wise it should be OK, since I had to get the nail red-hot to bore the holes in it. No promises on how long it lasts, the dum-dum tape lasted 40 years. Here are some shots:


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Re: Non-sticky trans. hump seal DONE!

Post by 70_F100 »

GOOD JOB!! :thup:
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That's not an oil leak :nono: That's SWEAT from all that HORSEPOWER!! :thup:
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Re: Non-sticky trans. hump seal DONE!

Post by 69rangerf100 »

that looks great i will have to remember that when i get ready to do mine

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Re: Non-sticky trans. hump seal DONE!

Post by Mancar1 »

Great job.
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