O/T Clicking sound on 97 F250

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O/T Clicking sound on 97 F250

Post by dustman_stx »

I have a 97 F250 with a PSD that has a horrible rattling sound coming from behind the dash- seems to be from behind the gauges, left of center. Doesn't make noise until around 60 mph. Sounds like a speedo gear is loose and rattling, but the speedo is electronic. Is there a speedo cable running to something behind the dash that reads the speed and sends a signal to the speedo? Anyone have any ideas???
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Re: O/T Clicking sound on 97 F250

Post by cdeal28078 »

Probably;y not the same since I am talking about a 93 BUT on my 93 I am working on that used to be my dad's the cowl panel between the windshield and hood would rattle pretty loud at about the same speed. It was loose at the corner near the windshield
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