Trip 024, Spring 2014, New York
089 - Another trip finds a beautiful Delmarvalous day for flyin'.
090 - Airfield fire department asked if they could use a few minutes of our time to familiarize themselves with the C-17. Gave a full aircraft tour of opening and all exits, danger areas, crew seating, engine shutdown, battery disconnection, and any other situation I could think of so I don't die in a fire.
091 - They do have some pretty bad ass rigs as well, but didn't have enough time to check out their toys.
092 – Loaded up, blast off, and climb for a short trip up to NYC.
093 - Washington Monument down there.
094 – Customer had us take a quick hop up to NYC. Never been there before, so this will be fun.
095 - Lots of stuff flyiin' on the fish finder here. Controller was non stop talkin'.
096 - New York City
097 - JFK. Make a hole. Inbound fat, dumb, and happy.
098 - Third biggest airport I've ever seen. Very balanced takeoffs and landings with the same crews on the same routes over and over to be as smooth as can be. Then we show up, need escorted, stopped all kinds of traffic, had our pictures taken a thousand times from paxs, ground crews, and other flight crews on other jets.
099 - Tower came back on and said we were lookin' good.
100 - I think this was the jet that asked us to pause for a picture, and said welcome to New York.
101 - Our captain said to watch out, Red Sox in town for the night. Might have to check that out.
102/103 – Walk around check.
104 - Normally the customer is usually all business with a quickness, but their boss asked if we would like to take pictures with the jet.
105 – Hero shot.
106 – Dover doin’ work ole son!
107 – 40th floor hotel. Pretty sure I’ve never been in a taller building.
108 – Times Square.
109 – Times Square.
110/111/112 – On the next day off we braved the subway to roll to a Yankees game.
113 - Great New York breakfast. At NYC prices... 43 bucks!
114 - So one of the most interesting things I've gotten to see in my life is the WTC complex.
115/117 - Standing at the South Tower pool, I mentioned to my crew that here is the reason we do what we do.
118 – North Tower pool.
119 - This tree survived the attack and was replanted among the new trees at the memorial. I was really moved by this whole visit, and for sure suggest everyone take the time to see it in person. The sons of *****es that caused all this destruction had the nerve to come into our house, hurt our people, and for what? I really don't know, but I'll be glad to do my part to keep them fighting far away.
120 – Wandered over to Wall Street.
121/122 - Lit up ready to ride!