Hard Dashboard Covers

Inside the cab...appearance, repair, upgrades

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Post by Heavenlyfire »

Alright Joe.... that does it!!!!! You talk to strangers in your driveway but won't even come over to get lunch and meet me. Hell, I will even give you the pizza. lol. That is funny though. I think we need to get an AZ meet and greet together.
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Joe Kriston
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re: Hard Dashboard Covers

Post by Joe Kriston »

Ok,ya got me there,John...Are you still at the one at Fashion Square?...

Yeah,it was funny,Albert and his wife were standing near my driveway,....looking toward my house...Naturally,I thought they worked for the city in the zoning enforcement department,so I started to shut the door on them,but then decided to say 'hey'...and we started talking trucks....I no sooner got the word 'website' out and Albert said 'Fordification'...He said he just put his gallery up the day before...I looked for it,and couldn't find it,then I realized he never really intro'ed himself in the welcome section(hint-hint,Albert)...It is a small world,after all...

Arizona meet 'n' greet? First we'll have to take a poll and see who's air conditioning is working and whose isn't,ya think? :lol:
This is the point...I'm....talking about everybody! I'm talking about form! I'm talking about content! I'm talking about interrelationships! I'm talking about God, the devil, hell, heaven!!!! Do you understand???? Finally!!!!
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