the fact that you have it and"only" need it in and functioning I don't thing that would be nearly $1,200.00 and you end up with a much more user friendly vehicle.
But that being said if you don't plan to do all the work yourself and have plans on where that will be done get your plan,budget and quotes all in order before committing to it however you go it's a major project....................and no plan survives first contact with reality.
Doing a hydraulic clutch is covered here in the thread in the tech section on swapping the M5odr2 trans.
"Beauty is only skin deep....Ugly is to the bone"
It is more important to understand what you don't know than what you do know,because then you can start to learn..???
"you must deal with the attaboys and the ass chewing s with your head up and looking them in the eyes" T.J.E. aka My Dad
There are only three types of people wolves, sheepdogs, and sheep. What are you?
That's the one that connects the rear to the front. He didn't get that far in the mod to hook it back up. And now that I'm looking at more closely, it looks tight with the new exhaust pipes. Probably gonna need to move those. Good times! Lol.
eggman - thanks for all your help. I have direction now. Where is that article on the hydraulic clutch? My searches turn up empty on swapping the M5odr2 trans. No matter how I type it in.
"Beauty is only skin deep....Ugly is to the bone"
It is more important to understand what you don't know than what you do know,because then you can start to learn..???
"you must deal with the attaboys and the ass chewing s with your head up and looking them in the eyes" T.J.E. aka My Dad
There are only three types of people wolves, sheepdogs, and sheep. What are you?