God, I think I am gonna love you guys! You all were so encouraging....thank you. And, thanks for the comic relief Bobby for jumping in late...I needed that! LOL
Anyway, good news.........I FOUND MY KEYS! One of these done it!
I absolutely went on a mad hunt, fine tooth combing this place. As I got through my bedroom (the last room) I came upon this pile of stash (puppy kibbles, a couple of puppy toys and a missing ring of mine) and lo and behold, there was my keys....stuck between the nightstand and the wall. Of course, when interrogating both of them, neither would fess up...so, it will remain a mystery. Little Poopheads they are!
So, now I can get my tools out and start in, now that I can get into the truck. Cleaning off the motor will be my first priority. Then, I'm just gonna dig in and start doing the tune-up work on it. One thing at a time, eh? Then, work on getting the back of the bed back in it's proper position and get the tailgate situation taken care of. Then, I thought until it gets a bit warmer I am going to just focus on detailing the inside of the cab. At least I will have a good running truck and the inside will be nice to be in.
Howz that for starters?