As I'm sure many of you have noticed, the forum has been experiencing some problems when posting messages or PM's. This appears to be an extension of the problems we had a couple months ago, which was duct-taped up to get us by, but now my host tells me that the problem needs to be fixed ASAP or they're going to have to shut things down. Therefore, sometime in the next week or so I'm going to have to take a couple days off work to completely reinstall the forum software AND all the cool board mods I've incorporated. When this happens, it's very likely I'll just have to take the forums offline for those two days, as I get things reinstalled. I've been spending a lot of time over the past few days trying to track down the gremlins, but haven't had luck finding it, and my host telling me to get it fixed now. If you're one of the unlucky ones who have received an error message when trying to post, don't worry it's not you. Nobody has been blacklisted, it's simply malfunctioning software, and it seems to have something to do with the content of the message being posted. I've found that sometimes when I get that error, I can edit my message a bit and it'll then post fine. Until I get the problem corrected, you might try that.
On a different matter: Many of you have sent donations over the past three weeks or so to help out with site expenses, and I sincerely appreciate your support...thank you! When I received some of the first donations, I e-mailed those donors and thanked them personally, but donations received over the past two weeks haven't been personally acknowledged yet, which is something I really want to do...and WILL soon as I get a chance to try to catch my breath here. I apologize for not doing so yet....please be patient and understand that between my job, my family responsibilites, trying to get the forums fixed, etc. I'm being run ragged!
I'm hoping to take a couple days off within the next week, at which time I'll get started on completely reinstalling all forum software and mods. Until that time, the forum is probably going to continue to act buggy, and I ask for your patience and indulgence in the meantime. Sorry about the inconvenience.

Also, one last item: I also want everyone to know that I do receive a lot of PM's and e-mail from members, as well as general e-mail from non-members who are visiting the site and asking questions. I do my best to answer them all, but I'm pretty limited in the time I have to devote to this, and sometimes those PM's or e-mail go unanswered. However, I'm NOT ignoring anyone intentionally. I'm definitely trying to keep up, but sometimes I simply run out of time to do so. I guess I just wanted you all to be aware of that fact, and not get upset with me. Please understand that this is just a hobby, not a business, and there are only so many hours in a day that I can devote to it.
So anyway...that's kinda where things are at the moment. I will keep you all informed as to exactly when the forums will be going down while I do the software re-install. While this is happening, the site itself will still be available, just not the forums. I'll be sure to post something on the front page of the site to let you know when I'll get started and how things are going, so if you can't access the forum please check there.