I'd mount it in the trashcan. I HATE changers- they're unreliable, big, and only hold- what, maybe 150 songs?
Get an iPod or an iRiver etc. Easy to rig an interface with the headunit, and holds massive amounts of music in an easily accessible manner.
CD changers are the 8-tracks of the 21st century. I wouldn't wast a minute of my time trying to install one of those, knowing I'll be removing it in a few months when it breaks down. Or skips all the time.
Just my opinion, and not that I'm heated about it.... ; )
You must have either had a JVC or a Sony style changer Fake?
I have a 12 disc Alpine that I have been using for about 8 years and other than taking it apart every two years to clean the lens it has been flawless for me.
However I do agree for maximum song capability get an MP3 player.
I have a 60gig iPod vid.. But my wife loves driving the old ford, and she wants a cd player, without hacking up the dash. And this one is a kenwood, not a knock off.
Ok, i think you misunderstood me... I'm trying to keep the truck as stock "looking" as possible. Meaning a stock am/fm radio. My iPod probably isnt going to be any where near the truck. I dont use it often unless i'm on a trip. And for that i drive my new car, not the old ford. The cd changer is a kenwood, radio is going to be stock. I understand that there are interface cables for aftermarket radios. I have a brand new pioneer radio in my chevy that was a built iPod ready.
Still doesnt answer the question as to where i should mount the cd changer. I dont really want to loose glove box space, but if i must...
Ok, ok. I'll just shut up. Fine. I'll go away. With my iPod. Fine. Sniff. Sniff.
OK, to answer your question, there really is not a place to do it, that I've found. I had the same problem when mounting an amp. I have to find one that was awfully small and it barely fit under the passenger seat, but it's not in a spot where you could access it easily like you would for a-a-a "thing"(I can't even type the word!) that you want. The glove box will work, if you don't have AC.
spartman wrote:I would suppose the easiest place would be the glove box.
Yep, by far the easiest. I took my glove box out to put an Alpine amplifier in it. Worked great, and was able to save the liner to reinstall if neccessary. But when I rebuild the truck this time, it's all going behind the seat. (got rid of the in-cab tank)
FN, i'm not trying to be mean... I have an iPod and i love it. I agree, they are great technology. But i dont drive the truck enough to warrant needing a iPod connection. dont take it so personaly, i'm just stubborn and want what i want. Know whatt i mean! Like i said, i've got an ipod radio in my cheby, and an interface through the stock radio in my neon.
Anyhow, i'll check out the glove box. I could probably fad some brackets up for the mounting, and carefully remove the 35 year old cardboard liner!
The radio is one place i'd tell a concourse restoration judge to stick it.
Not sayin' your goin for concourse but if your wife drives it does she drive it enough to warrant an ipod connection or does she just loe the 15-20 song cd method?
or even better why not grab one of those radio that ar mp3 compatable and stick it in the glove box?
it'll take only half the room of the changer and hold 200 songs give or take per disk.
"It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain
'70 f250 4x4 Crew cab 460/C6 '72 F100 390/C6 9.8 MPG AVG. '89 Mercury Cougar LS Dual Exh. V6 . 18.9 MPG AVG. In Town.
I don't want to give em a heart-attack. That is what would happen if I answered the door in the buff. Heck it almost scares me to death when I step out of the shower and look in the mirror.~Mancar1~
i don't see how you have little room under your seat, i stack 30' 2" tie down sraps under mine, so thats a good 4" tall. But i would say put it in the glovebox, or under the seat. you can always make some spacers for the seat mounting bolts
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2012 Cummins-the luxury Tow Pig
1967 F-250 highboy 352, np435(((((((sold))))))))) My first true love
1968 F100 SWB. 360, np-435, flatbed, currently acting as a hornest nest and bee hive.
1971 F-100 4x4 Step-side. 360, np-435, 70k origional miles- needs allot of love.
When my son was driving his '69 to school last year and left the stock radio in and opened up the glove box to show off his hidden cd player,his friends thought he was the absolute sh!ts...Geeze,who the heck puts gloves in their gloveboxes anymore anyway?
This is the point...I'm....talking about everybody! I'm talking about form! I'm talking about content! I'm talking about interrelationships! I'm talking about God, the devil, hell, heaven!!!! Do you understand???? Finally!!!!