Need a little help,I got a new mat for my 69 f-100 with 4 speed.What I want to know does the mat go under the metal shifter cover or does it go on top of the shifter cover! There was no mat in it when I got the truck. Thanks Danno
i would think that would be your choice. it will probably move around a little if it isnt secured in place. and if it is secured it will tend to want to rip at the places it is secured at. it is your choice how you want to put it in. i think a lose lay might be the best option.
ezernut9mm wrote:are we talking about the big full sized rubber that goes from door to door and fire wall to under the seat or just a one piece floor mat?
It the full sizes mat,then it has the big metal peice that goes over the trans.does it go on top of the mat or underneath.