Man, I gotta tell you....these turned out GREAT!! I have no doubts you guys are gonna be very happy. Here's a quick shot I got this afternoon:

There are a few more pics HERE, which are just preliminary shots....the good pics will be posted within a week or so.
Anyway, I should be getting started getting these all packaged up tomorrow, but it's gonna take a week or two to get them all out, so please be patient. It's basically just gonna be me doing this, and all by hand, and with a full-time job and my family duties, I'll have to do it as I can find the time...but I'll be staying up late for the next week or so (at least) getting them ready to go. More than likely I'll be holding off on shipping any until they're ALL ready, so I can make sure that everyone's getting what they're supposed to be getting.
As soon as all the pre-orders are shipped, I'll be editing the t-shirts page so that I can start accepting orders for the VERY limited supply of additional shirts. I also plan to keep one listed on E-bay until these are all gone, so once I announce that the extras are up for grabs and you want one, I wouldn't be dragging your feet....I have a funny feeling these are gonna go quick!