I believe I've covered all the areas needed. However, I've never personally done a body swap before, so the information contained on this page is the result of reading posts from other seeking information on the subject. in the pursuit of making this article as technically correct as possible, I'd like to enlist the input of those of you who have actually done it.
Please read the article in the link below and let me know if I've got the information correct, and if there's anything that needs to be addressed. I'd be happy to amend the article to include any information that was omitted, incomplete or incorrect. Also, I really need a GOOD picture of the rear cab mounts on an F250 Highboy, since those cab mounts are on the outside of the frame, as opposed to 2WDs and F100 4WDs that are on the inside of the frame on a crossmember. Please forward good hi-resolution pics of the rear cab mounts to me at
Chassis Comparison - '67-'72 vs. '73-'79