The few short beds that I have seen for sale have had major rust issues and due to the growing popularity of our bumpsides people think they are worth a fortune even when they're in terrible shape. I saw one the other day that had a nice looking cheap paint job and okay interior but underneath all the normal spot were completed rotted and the cab was sitting sideways on the frame. I texted the guy and offered him $3,000. He said he wouldn't take less than $12,000...
But then it happened.!! I have driven by this shortbed for about a year and always meant to stop and peak at it but honestly it looked all beat up the way it sat. One day I got a call from my brother in law saying he knew where there was a SWB an the owner might let it go. I told him I was interested and had him look at it for me. He said there was no rust to speak of and the body was straight. When he made an offer to the owner the owner came back with "I will take $1500.00 if he brings me all 1 dollar bills. I went straight to the bank and waited 45 minutes for them to bring me out a bag full of 1 dollar bills. I felt like a boss walking out of the bank with a bag full of money and all the funny looks I was getting (little did they know it was singles haha! I headed over the spot where the truck was parked, inspected it for myself and sure enough. I was filthy and full of junk with no motor or trans but it was CLEAN. Not a spot of rust to speak of. Shocking... I pulled out the bag of money and the guy busted up laughing and handed me the title. It was a great night.
As it sat when I bought it:

I started my own auto repair shop last year so I know I'm going to seem very spoiled and I know that I have more available to me than most but I have done all of this same work in my driveway and single car garage on previous bumpsides.
Step one: Get truck to my shop and get it cleaned up:

Step two: Crown Vic Swap

My original plan was to buy a complete crown vic and swap the front suspension, engine and rear axle but I got impatient when I couldn't find a good deal on one and found this front suspension for $400 on CL.

If you use Eagle One (i think is the brand I used) aluminum wheel cleaner acid you can get this cast aluminum part really nice and clean with a town of elbow grease and soft wire brushes:

Then the front clip came off to start the CV swap:

I used a sawzall with long blades to cut the majority of the cross member out and then various size cutting wheels and a hammer to remove the rest from the inside of the frame rail. When remove the rivets from the strut towers and other suspension parts it's easiest to cut and X in the rivet and use and air hammer/chisel to chisel it off and push it through.
Okay I found these CV swap brackets on Ebay about a year ago and snagged them up because there was only one set on there. I can't seem to find them online anywhere else but I highly recommend them if you can find them. I love how they are designed and it made my install SO much faster. i also like that they are taller so there is not frame spacer needed. Looks clean!

Measure, measure, measure, measure, tack:

RE-MEASURE and then I burned it in and dressed the welds:

I am going to add some support to the lower control arm rear mounts when I tear it all back down to prep the frame and get it ready for powder coat.
Here's a CV sidenote/tip:
On crown vic the rear mounts for the lower control arms side at a 45* angle so on your truck frame when you mount it horizontal the slotted hole with be sitting at a 45* angle. This may be okay but I like to cut the bushing from the bracket and reclock it so that the slotted hole sits parallel to the frame. This way when you align the truck it slides side to side and not up and down at all. This will also maximize the amount of adjustment available:

Next step: Wyatt (my son) and I installed the front suspension assembly for mock up:

You may have noticed the wheels... Those are Saleen Mustang wheels. A few weeks ago a buddy of my brother in law couldn't get his mustang started and decided to sell it. It's a 2002 Mustang GT that somebody did a really nice job faking a Saleen car with.. in fact the guy that owned it bought if for $18,000 thinking it was a real Saleen. He sold it to me for $2500. I bought it sight unseen not know why it wouldn't run. I took a risk thinking even if the motor was bad it was still worth the tremec 5speed, LSD rear axle and Saleen super charger kit and interior.

Well the motor was in fact junk.... I found a used engine out of a 2002 Crown Vic with 67,000 miles on it and got it set down in the truck:
And then pulled the super charger off the mustang and set it down temporarily on the good motor and then did this for hours!

Wyatt driving and making motor noises for me ha ha

I also got the Tremec 5-Speed bolted up to see how it would fit. I noticed that the motor sits a little crooked in the frame and I'm thinking it's because of the cheap motor mounts I ordered from Amazon (couldn't find any local quickly). I may grab some from the junkyard or just modify the mounting holes of the aftermarket mounts. Either way it has to be fixed before I can build a trans mount crossmember because it's about 3" off at the tailshaft. That's my project for today.