1971-72 Fxx body Ground Strap?

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1971-72 Fxx body Ground Strap?

Post by RGB »

No evidence (on my 72 F250) of a Ground Strap existing from passenger side engine head to firewall.

Mustang switched to a "flag" with bolt, part-way down the Negative Cable for a body ground... (NO Ground Strap)

1. Do all the 1967-1972 F100/F250/F350 use the body Ground Strap at the engine rear?
2. Braided Strap with 3/8" hole each end?
3. Strap Length?
4. Passenger side head threaded hole to firewall threaded hole correct?


Help appreciated.
(yes, correct service documents are ordered...)
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Re: 1971-72 Fxx body Ground Strap?

Post by sparky72 »

Yes, there should be a body ground that runs from the firewall to (I believe) the intake. You can see it in the below picture with the firewall connection visible behind the booster vacuum hose.


More pictures here, if you haven’t seen them :thup: https://www.fordification.com/70explorer_358miles.htm

As to length and connection size, I am not sure...I just used a fairly large gauge wire (10 or 12) with an eyelet connector on each end.
1972 F250 Ranger XLT 2wd / 8100 GVW / 390 / T18 / 3.73 D60
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Re: 1971-72 Fxx body Ground Strap?

Post by RGB »

Difficult to believe, but my 72 has the same strap. Driver's side just aft of the valve cover peak.
Mine runs to toward the passenger side 4", then loops to grab the last intake bolt on same side.
Enters intake bolt from the top. Not very long.
(nicely dis-colored to blend into the firewall behind)

Will pull it to measure, post length, and clean up the electric connection.

Mustang similar prior to 70 introduction of a "flag" mid-way to shock tower into the battery ground cable (neat support+body ground).

Looking at other photos of same truck... (great photos)
1. Heater hose has "band" AND "wire" (Corbin) clamps, seems odd.
2. Battery has older style metal hold down, new plastic version is a D0xx- (this 70 an early build?).
3. Battery ground has a 2nd wire off the clamp? Thought all the 67-72 trucks used a single ground on negative.

Tried to hook my NEW battery ground to the front head hole on passenger side, but it fouls the alternator.

May add a 3/8" stud to 1/2" eyelet with 1/2-13x1" bolt into side hole near alternator.

???? Now that battery -> engine -> firewall (body) is connected... HOW/WHERE IS the frame grounded????
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